Since Coach is suddenly and apparently too busy to post about the stock market, I will do it. The rumor of our death was greatly exaggerated bitches.
We back baby. Dow up about 800 points the last two days,suck mah ballz thru my drawz! Panic sellers got fucked, those of us that “buy the dip” won again. This time.
Interesting side bar, my ultra conservative friends were all over me on Black Monday. Here is how those dumbfucks operate:
Stock market goes up- they jizz, “ market reacting to Trump presidency”
Stock market goes down, they jizz harder, “ Kamala crash”.
Me? I just watch and look fo a n opportunity to cash in. And jizz on my bank account statement. Except I went paperless years ago. I need a new iPad.
I should have but we’re watching three grandsons right now. Reading time, workbooks, baseball lessons, Dodger games, the Olympics and video games. We get a break this weekend.
Jumped the gun there son. We down now
Nasdaq is still down 12% since peak even with this dead cat bounce. DOW is still down 5%.
Uh u less you happen to own 200,000 shares of psec which appears in big trouble. I just took off my drip. And I’m stuck with buying another 200,000 shares at $5 if this thing doesn’t bump.
Hopefully today is the worse of the bad news. I’m afraid will see an investigation
Good…. I’m hoping you guys put some back in your pockets.