If you believed that the market would crash in 2023, you had a tough year. Don't ever listen to politicians , lesson learned? I hope so. A really tough year. A jump off a tall building tough year. If you believed the total opposite, ahem, you had a fantastic year. If you were locked in with 401k money and just holding on for a ride, cheers. You won big. The table was set for a tough year, a Fed committed to raising rates and laying siege to the job market. Early in the year, investment houses pulled cash in the trillions out of stocks and parked it in safe investments.Just hoarding cash. Waiting for the crash to jump back in and pick thru the bones. The brave started making short bets. I'm not that brave. Wasn't me. As usual , Tesla was the one to pick on. As usual, Tesla sent the shorts home licking their wounds. It's an annual ritual. The only threat to Teslas dominance is its ceo and his inability to keep his mouth shut. Nvida delivered blows too. But what about carvana? Who the fuck thought they would bounce back ? The priest had already delivered the last rites. From $4 bucks to $56 bucks a share in a year? Are you kidding?
Of course I had no idea stocks would have this kind of year either. I'm a real estate hack. The only thing I did was keep investing when I saw everyone pulling out. I stayed in when I saw the Fed's aggressive rate hikes were not slowing down the economy. Job losses weren't happening. Consumer confidence wasn't waning.
When people were saying, "don't believe the good numbers". I went contrarian. I'm not trying to big dick it here, not trying to brag either. I am celebrating because like scoring touchdowns, market wins should be celebrated. Throwing a flag for excessive celebration would be a dick move.
Is this rally going to continue? I don't know. The big boys are joining this rally now and that's not always a good sign.

I like this one.
Tesla didn't go anywhere this year. Range bound between 220 and 250. Yawn
I held on in my own 401k, which I feel lucky more than anything, but still feel like 2024 will be so volatile that I may park in cash sometime early in the year. Congrats on your moves, your bullishness. Took some balls indeed