Even WMT is fucking me today.
American are starting to realize that inflation is going to increase over the next 12 months. And even over the next 4 years. I was cool with 6% inflation when I was making 30% returns on investments. Now im starting to get concerned that I will have to look for alternative investment ideas. Lower inflation when ?
Another head scratching moment for me. Tesla goes from 353 to 346 from opening at 9am. I look at the calls for it at 355 today. Yes 1 pm. Are 40 cents.
I’m like wait. So if Tesla doesn’t go up $9 in the next 4 hours I get 40 cents? Hahahaa sure. I sold 100 calls. Someone bought them. $4000
I drive to Dana point and get here at 11. Check my stocks and sure enough $4k sold and in that two hours Tesla sunk to 341 and the calls vanished in value. From 40 Cents to 4 cents Literally $4k in a two hour drive.
So I looked up stag. Also expiring today. Puts at $30. Stag is at $35. No chance that slow mover drops $5 in two hours. So I offered to sell 1000 puts. 100,000 shares. For a nickel Not a single bite. 4 cents? That’s below the market price! Silence. 3 cents. Come on. $3k for me for two hours. 3 cents. It could happen? Not a single move.
Soooooo no one cares about Stag. But Tesla. $4k made just today. Expires in like 45 minutes. Grocery stick says I’m supposed to feel bad about this. What would Warren Buffett say?