Up about $4 Billion today (market cap) and it’s not even lunchtime. Only the suckas panic sold. And those that got their feelings hurt. Institutional investors said,” Fuck your feelings”.
Listen, if it was a good move the CEO would not have bent the knee to apologize for it. I will tell you this, I was at the Dodger game last Saturday Vs. the Cubs, and my Wife, bless her heart, got the tickets. We were up in the damn top deck with Montebello's finest, and those guys were cracking on each other and anyone around them all game. "Hey Mamon, want me to go get you a cold Bud Light?" "OOOOOOOOOOORRRRRAAAAALLLLLEEEE, FU Mang!"
Not one person would be caught dead with one of those beers.
Kind of a snore fest until the 9th, It was kind of hard to see the game from the top of Everest. But, I got my steps in on the Garmin Watch so it stopped buzzing at me to move. The best line of the night was a chick drunk out of her mind who was there with a big group. She was hot, like Salma Hayek in her prime hot, but the voice killed it. One of the guys said something to her and she just belted "Hey Cabron, I used to like you before you got all fat and bloated fool, you look like Elvis right before he died, beeetch". Good times.
I wish that when Vin Scully would just stay quiet for those times where he wanted you to hear the sounds of the game, that the mic was up at the top, that would have been so damn funny. People up there just chirpout the most random stuff.
As I said from the get go, Boycotts have the shelf life of gas station sushi. Always watch what the institutional investors do. The cold, hard, analytical MF’ers.
Again, I will wait more than a week to claim this victory.
Listen, if it was a good move the CEO would not have bent the knee to apologize for it. I will tell you this, I was at the Dodger game last Saturday Vs. the Cubs, and my Wife, bless her heart, got the tickets. We were up in the damn top deck with Montebello's finest, and those guys were cracking on each other and anyone around them all game. "Hey Mamon, want me to go get you a cold Bud Light?" "OOOOOOOOOOORRRRRAAAAALLLLLEEEE, FU Mang!"
Not one person would be caught dead with one of those beers.
Kind of a snore fest until the 9th, It was kind of hard to see the game from the top of Everest. But, I got my steps in on the Garmin Watch so it stopped buzzing at me to move. The best line of the night was a chick drunk out of her mind who was there with a big group. She was hot, like Salma Hayek in her prime hot, but the voice killed it. One of the guys said something to her and she just belted "Hey Cabron, I used to like you before you got all fat and bloated fool, you look like Elvis right before he died, beeetch". Good times.
How's Nike stock today vs when everybody was mad about Kapernick? Surely those boycotts would have crippled Nike by now? No?
Thanks Geraldo Aka being Up $1 per share.
You should have a parade…..