If DJT wins and he imposes his tariffs that he has vowed to do, what impact do you think this will have on American prices of goods? Will it raise pricing, and trigger or further inflation?
Policy discussions - not an attack on him. We all know that Biden's policies are not good for the economy, but here's a genuine question about tariffs.
the most important part of imposing tariffs is the negotiation
most countries have tariffs or very strict quality metrics which are tariffs in effect
its very common to not impose tariffs when you get the desired effect
like they buy more Harley Davidson's or stop dumping steel and fentanyl into your markets
in the short run, there may be a price increase on goods that have the tariff imposed
but just recently, at the mere threat of a Trump tariff if elected, Chyna stopped investing in a monster auto factory right on our Mexican border whose output would equal US auto production if I read it right or at least put the entire auto industry in MI out of business
tariffs are nowhere as cut and dried as the dim media presents them
their main function is to protect local jobs from predatory pricing while raising revenue to regulate the marketplace
the FDA, USDA, etc need funds to regulate the marketplace and protect the public and it is only fair that vendors pay to play and fund this regulatory activity. The system we have now where products are dumped at competitive or predatory pricing and the taxpayer foots the bill for regulation is nonsense.
Just like an ante in a poker game, you pay a tariff to gain entry to the marketplace
in fact, before an income tax was imposed the US raised revenue almost exclusively with tariffs
VAT taxes which many dims favor are an internal form of a tariff
edit:paid by the taxpayer again, and not the vendor, so instead of regulating vendors, it regulates consumption
but in executive summary, yes prices go up when tariffs are imposed, but only on the goods imported
Initially. And then Americans will look at the absolute low quality garbage they have been addicted to from overseas and get back to what's important. Buy nice, not twice.