Hmmm. Being a contrarian worked out well for me the last few years. I invested heavier when most said to pull back because " it's going to get ugly". Now the pendulum is swinging the other way. Optimism and confidence that there won't be a deep recession is growing as we head towards an election year. Is the smart money getting ready to pull the rug out from the suckas? A strong economy going into an election year combined with no viable GOP candidate emerging reduces the chances for a change. Let's see what the economic data points say over the next few months, particularly as Brad posted, late in the 4th quarter of this year.
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Optimism about the economy surges to 2 year high
Optimism about the economy surges to 2 year high
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Maybe for the countless millionaires on the wild west board. But, and it's a big ol smelly but, i would think that the majority of people in this country would beg to differ.