Just as ridiculous as Harris…
Trump: We are going to make it cheaper and faster for builders to build homes by removing regulations.
Buyers: Cool
Builders: ( rubbing their hands together) Oh yes, we will definitely pass along savings to consumers instead of padding profit margins. 💰💰💰💰🫡🫡
Builders On the phone to China: we are back! We need drywall again. Lots of Chinese drywall.
Me: Note to self, look to add Builder stocks to portfolio.
Now seriously this is like saying Mexico will start paying for the houses we build. Most building regulations are state/ local, city and county. Not Federal. Harris plan of giving everyone down payment money is laughable. Both sides only solution to any problem is to give our tax money away to someone. I’m considering witholding my tax payment this April in protest.
I've been saving like crazy (been eating like i'm on a college student budget) to buy a 2nd home. Looking for a house close by me in So. Cal. for my sis-in-law. She helps with my kids so it's a win-win as I've also been wanting to own proprty.
Fock, I hope the gov't let's the housing market correct itself if there's a crash. I've been listening to podcasts mentioning how the next crash will be bigger than the last. I would agree, except I have a feeling the gov't will step in to bail all these idiots that bought outside their price range. Waiting another year to see what happens. Until then, will continue to save.
BB have you heard about these precast concrete homes in TX? Interesting concept. Would like to hear your thoughts https://www.ecocasthomes.com/precast-homes
When you do nothing about the homeless problem for 20 years it is hard to fix the problem in four years. It I knew the answer I would love to share it with you. The big problem is the underlining reason people are homeless, drugs, mental health, a lousy education system, no program for veterans. drugs it is worth mentioning twice. and illegals.
sounds they are counting on a big earthquake actually solving this problem for them.