And Why?
A) Real Estate
B)S & P 500
D)Individual Stocks
E)Gold and Silver
F) your choice here
No wrong answer, the important thing is to invest. You are relegated to poverty and complaining about the economy forever if you don't choose to invest.
A and D are my preferred choice and A by far has been my best performer due to the cash it throws off and the numerous paper loss tax deductions.

I don't really like Gold. I have it, and not the paper kind. My issue is that Gold is there as a last resort, an "insuance for when times are tough", but unless we are supposed to go into the bar and whittle off little shavings for a beer, it is worthless. I don't like keeping it, it is secured, but there is no such thing when you are at gunpoint. Also ,are we supposed to be lieve that a bunch of assclowns with pickaxes and donkeys mined up all the gold in them thar hills? OR, would that explain why the government was so interested in preserving the Sierras and the surrounding mineral flows as BLM land?
A & B, although instead of the S&P I have the Total Stock Mkt fund ( VTI ) figured might as well own the Wiltshire 5000. Have just a few individual stocks, but mostly indexing.
I find it odd that KC is such a small population and can support a mlb and a nfl team. Must have a lot of suburbs or unincorporated area. Like Fresno. Shoot. Fresno is as big as both of these just on the straight numbers