From h2 Oh!!! Tonight.
Two monster shots off Darvish who really pitched well.
But that’s darvishs life. In the end. He’s a loser. He might pitch well. But not well enough. Hard to live with that label but in 5 winner take all games. Yu darvish on the bump? His team is 0-5.
Harsh. But what am I supposed to do? Call him a winner? Then I’d be a liar. If you ever watched kicking and screaming. Will Ferrell’s best movie outside of elf. You will cackle at that line.
His post season era is 3.77 which is almost 1 run better than CK22. Both are #1 or #2 starters. So they went against the other sides ace(s). Its a tall order.
Take out his WS for us hes been decent. He impressed me this series.
Owned Shohei and no one owns Shohei.