As previously posted, reading it when I can't sleep when I hit the sack. About a chapter a week. But it's interesting.
Recap so far. Black Sox Scandal of 1919. White Sox lost 1919 series. The story comes out in 1920 that it was likely fixed. Public scandal, trial. Confessions magically disappear. 8 players change their confessions and pleas in court. Acquittal. New commissioner Keenesaw Mountain Landis, a retired judge, bans then all for life. You probably knew all that. Saw the movie.
What you don't know. Bam Johnson basically founded the AL and steered it's merger with the NL and helped found the World Series as a result. It was his baby and he was President for about 40 years. Also was very proud that his league could play with the old NL, the interest in the series. The success of the Red Sox, Yankees, Ruth, Ty Cobb and Tris Speaker etc.
Johnson was appalled and embarrassed at the calls for a Commissioner because basically he and the NL President WERE commissioners. Each of their own league. Point being, Johnson didn't like Landis from the beginning. Johnson didn't like suddenly having a "boss" And a pompous grandstanding one at that.
So the Black Sox scandal was as embarrassing to Johnson as it was to Baseball. For Landis, he was able to ride in on his white horse and be the hero. Even though the players were acquitted, he knew they were dirty and tossed them. None of the players were Ruth, Cobb, Speaker, Hornsby, or Walter Johnson. Meaning they were expendable. Moreso, Charles Comiskey, the cheap owner of the White Sox. Was pissed. He wanted revenge. He knew he had the best team and this scandal took him from high society to having his franchise in financial trouble.
Point is, Landis tossing the Black Sox was a fairly easy move with little obstruction from Bam Johnson (the AL President) or Comiskey, the team owner. What came next wasn't as easy
So the Black Sox thing basically was settled in 1921. Gamblers ran the sport. Had box seats. Many players were hanging out with them. Gamblers were in the dugouts. Players had "runners" to go place bets during games.
BTW, I know we all have heard Ruth's salary demand of $100,000 and thought it was crazy at the time. Not so much. Rogers Hornsby earned 30-40-50K as player manager of the Cards and some other top stars made $50K. And as we know, Ruth did things unheard of. Imagine Bryce Harper hitting 150 HR and then demanding $100 or $150 million. Kind of line that.
Anyway. As previously mentioned, Dutch Leonard was a pitcher with Ruth on the Red Sox and eventually Detroit. Had letters implicating Cobb and Tris Speaker, and held them for a few years. Leonard saved his $, bought a farm south of Fresno, and became wealthy farming. Retired from baseball as he didn't like Cobb's abrasive management. Cobb wrote many letters and convinced Leonard to come back a year or two later. Tigers were in a pennant race. Leonard did with promises he'd only have to pitch every 4-5 days and always have 4 days rest. He knew his arm. Cobb ordered him to pitch a double header game when another P had a sore arm and Leonard didn't want to. Only had 2 days rest. Cobb cursed him out, dressed him down, called him names in the clubhouse. Leonard pitched, got racked badly, and Cobb left him in there. Pissed, Leonard retired and eventually when rumors hit Landis Leonard was more than willing to share the receipts, the letters, notes etc implicating Cobb. Turns out, Speaker was also named on a lot of the paper, and was collateral damage.
This was after the 1926 season. Oh, and there had been rumors that World Series BEFORE 1919 had been fixed and serious suspicions about 1923. So this being 1926, things were very fresh. And once again, all in the AL. All the accused and involved teams. White Sox, Tigers, Cleveland. So far.........