True story. Guy named Ben. Who I played softball with. Probably 30. Great player. Athletic. Etc. Quit. Flat out quit. Why?
He joined like this semi professional wiffle ball league. I’m like WHAT? This is a joke right? There is no such thing. Turns out there is. These people travel. Their games appear online. I’m not sure if espn or someone televises them or if it’s just a YouTube channel. From what I can see there aren’t many fans.
Most of these guys are young. The pitchers throw to this target behind the batter and if they clip any of it it’s a strike. The pitches are crazy. Fast. Banana looping in all directions. I guess the games are pretty boring with P dominating and basically you play like 21 or 27 outs and at some point someone connects and hits a hr and someone wins 1-0 lol
I thought it was a joke when I heard he quit. I’m like wait what? He got a new job or his wife made him quit right? This isn’t real. Yup. It is
Absolutely stupid and ridiculous. I am going to petition to have my neighborhood wiffle ball stats included too