David slayed Goliath. Proving that anything can happen in a 5-game series.How does Dodgers Management feel about their payroll after tonight?
Same way the Mets feel about theirs or the Braves feel about theirs.
shows baseball has made the 162 game season meaningless.
i can’t wait to see the last one in Phillies play the second to last in padres Said no one.
Let’s just let everyone in the playoffs and crown the world champion as the team that played the best for the last 10 days
No one enjoys the Dodgers being eliminated more than I do, but these expanded playoffs really cheapen regular season accomplishments. No reason for 40% of all teams to play in the postseason when there are only 6 division champions.
Padres played way over their heads, true, anything can happen in a short series.
I read the Dodgers won 112 games.
That’s a great year!
Fuck the Padres!