Very cool.
When are you guys gonna build real stadiums for their intended purposes.
All relics and dumps. And No, I don’t care that you crammed the field into one corner . Oh, The Rose Bowl is actually worse.
Dodger stadium is a dump. The Forum is a dump. The Staples isn’t bad but it’s unsafe to get there. And the traffic, yikes.
The Chargers new Stadium was done right. Follow their example.
Yes, Karen.
When are you guys gonna build real stadiums for their intended purposes.
All relics and dumps. And No, I don’t care that you crammed the field into one corner . Oh, The Rose Bowl is actually worse.
Dodger stadium is a dump. The Forum is a dump. The Staples isn’t bad but it’s unsafe to get there. And the traffic, yikes.
The Chargers new Stadium was done right. Follow their example.