I didn’t see the game (i listen to the audio because i’m old school that way 😀) saw the replay today and that was a hell of a glove.
The player/fan chit needs to stop. No place for beered up animals throwing chit on the field, and no place for multimillionaires to taunt fans. Let it roll off your back.
Baseball used to be a great way to spend an afternoon with the kids. Skip the low T, beta drama.
I didn’t see the game (i listen to the audio because i’m old school that way 😀) saw the replay today and that was a hell of a glove.
The player/fan chit needs to stop. No place for beered up animals throwing chit on the field, and no place for multimillionaires to taunt fans. Let it roll off your back.
Baseball used to be a great way to spend an afternoon with the kids. Skip the low T, beta drama.