On Monday, embattled MLB pitcher Trevor Bauer posted a video to X (formerly known as Twitter) breaking his two-year legally-imposed silence due to allegations of sexual assault. In what turned out to be a just-under four-minute video posted to his verified X account, Bauer relayed his side of the story, complete with screenshots of his accuser’s own words and texts. Words and texts that were written in the aftermath of the #metoo sexual assault hysteria whipped up by the Left.“‘Next victim. Star pitcher for the Dodgers,’” Bauer began reading a text written by his accuser, Lindsey Hill. The text was sent to her friend before she even met Bauer. Wow, can you say premeditated?Bauer read on: “What should I steal,” the accuser asked a friend in another text, referencing an upcoming visit to Bauer’s house. “Take his money,” the friend replied.So how might an enterprising and promiscuous young woman go about stealing money from a wealthy young MLB player? Simple: during a sexual hookup, accuse him of assault, of course. “I’m going to his house Wednesday,” Hill wrote. “I already have my hooks in — you know how I roll.” After that meeting, Hill’s friends continued to egg her on after she found out Bauer’s “net worth is $51 mil.” “Bitch, you better secure the bag,” was the friend’s terse response, meaning she should make sure she gets evidence to use to get money from Bauer.Hill had a plan. “Need Daddy to choke me out,” she wrote. “Being an absolute whore to try to get in on his $51 million.” Could her plan and motive have been any more clear? Not really.
Read the whole thing.
A bad teammate because he was confused or just a dickhead?