I watched a women’s basketball game. Chicks. Awful. Better than some but some plays just terrible. Unathletic etc. Soooo I should get major points right?
In other words. We should watch Starkillers of a New Galaxy. Or Debbie’s D cups Drop into Denver. Right?
My WiFE says noooo that was USC. You wanted to watch it because it was USC. You’re not being pro woman. You’re being a Trojan. You get no points and we are watching “Fall into winter”.
Fall in to winter is a fag movie. Guys wearing sweaters. Painful lame Netflix chick flick dialogue. Maybe hallmark. I don’t care. Some chick who runs a candy shop. And everyone in town is friends. And have to get their candy orders in for Christmas. There is a gourmet restaurant but the town isn’t big enough for a target or Wal mart or Carl’s Jr suuure
If I wanted a fag movie I’d be single and move to San Clemente. I’d stay at home all the time and brag about the gold up my butt and having no kids and all the tv subscriptions I had. I’d be. You know. Gay.
But I’m not gay and I sure as hell don’t want to suffer through this. I should protest. Go burn something down. This sucks.
Am I wrong here? Is my wife right? She’s giving me sideways glances for texting this on my phone. Let me know. Curious how far to take this fight
Don't lie Java, we know you get all teary eyes every time you watch Beaches or Devil Wears Prada.