For being black? I mean. Should we “understanded” his behavior because he doesn’t have white privilege? Juwan stuck his finger in the face of the Wisconsin coach in the handshake line after the game. And then took a swing and connected with his fist or open hand depending on who you believe.
If it were a white coach he would be immediately fired. Let’s see what sort of discipline Howard faces. Coaching his alma mater.
I never did like the fab five I confess that it pleases me to see him embarrass the University again
DIdnt they go to the Final four under him?
i knew they'd never fire a black guy.... you cannot have a coach act like a monkey because he's losing then punch the other coach... sorry - this is a good example why there are more white coaches. plus howard can't even coach.
I agree with Java he makes a good point. I couldn’t stand the Fab 5 either.
Now there’s audio…