lebron is such a cuckhole crying cunt I hope he never wins sheeeeet again... F California and their fajjjet azzz polices driving people and companies to move...
Just got back from nashville... holy sheeet.. fawking 10000x better culture, way hotter chicks, way better food and nightlife. I'm out of this sheeeethole for sure.
Was at J-Serra yesterday watching the top guys at Rivals 180 list or whatever, the top QB's, WR's, etc. Not to exciting but it is interesting to see some of these kids up close. Fawking Malik dude going to Texas is a beast. QB - dude looks like he can be a LB.
Fawk CALI... how can I give these Libcucks another penny? Fawk them, let them burn in hell for bad decisions they have made.