Rumor out there that some leaked vid shows players lining up and practicing spitting at targets. In background Coach Cronin Can be heard challenging players to shoot farther & with more accuracy Or they will run more suicides. one anonymous player has admitted this is a common drill in practice.
The player also said that the Coach often preaches that he that is prepared for all will survive Anything.
This could be devastating story for Program.
Unnamed sources worry that this incident will spur additional scrutiny on Cronins unorthodox coaching methods like pushing the elderly woman out of the Grocery line (coach says it’s to teach rebounding skills) & stealing handicap parking placards….oh wait my bad. Wrong team.
Wow Pasadena, I would say 'don't quit your day job" but if this collection of thought is an example of the typical work ethic you put forth I would wager that you are severely unemployed.