@Pasadena Trojan Until your "school" removes the GIANT OJ Simpson jersey from your shit-hole stadium, your pearl clutching, disingenuous fake righteousness will not only be discounted as complete lunacy, but it will be loudly laughed at.
@Pasadena Trojan you think this is a better or worst look than la marshmallow ball causing an international incident in China. Then leaving school before playing a game? Trying to decide here
International story that required the most popular President (& Person) in the world to personally lobby for their release from Chinese jail or this story on the Dirty Ts nightly news?????
First of all Max wasn’t arrested just cited and traveled home with the team. Secondly not actually being there I don’t know what the fan did to provoke the incident.
What Arizona fan hasn't been spit or shit on? Get used to it.
Such a bad look for Bruin hoops
Ok got it. Deflect On. Is This kid your son??
Oh oh…now they are saying he did it twice?
First of all Max wasn’t arrested just cited and traveled home with the team. Secondly not actually being there I don’t know what the fan did to provoke the incident.
Good for Max Zona fans are the worst I’ve seen it first hand at Tempe and Tuscon. Too bad he didn’t punch the guy in the face.