This is the best story out of UTLA since la marshmallow ball stole and ate his way out of UTLA. And caused an international incident in the process.
Am I supposed to know WTF he meant by "la marshmallow ball"? First of all, Ball wasn't capitalized, so I was wondering what "la" (the?) marshmallow ball even was. Once Java mentioned the Ball brother, I could hardly remember the player in question being fat, otherwise that would have been another original clue. I suppose the terms "stole" and "international incident" might have tipped me off, but I thought he was being facetious about...something. But, unlike you, I don't have total recall about all things UCLA, especially shit that happened years ago. Regardless, it was not a lie. If it were, why would I come clean about it?
Why don't you bring up the Handicapped PlacardGate while you're at it?
Sometimes I have a hard time believing what an absolute dick you are.
This is the best story out of UTLA since la marshmallow ball stole and ate his way out of UTLA. And caused an international incident in the process.