Son's Christmas present. Interesting game. LA just does not play defense. Dwight Howard is slow. Jordan is even slower. Can't believe how those two have aged.
Speaking of which. Russell? OMG. He's worse in person. Horrible shooting. He's guessing when he throws shots up. Awful defense. Just ugly. Le Bron, much as I hate him as a person, is carrying this team and LA is wasting probably his last good year. Yes, I think Davis is a tin man and a fraud.
Lakers are screwed. Hope that 2020 trophy keeps them warm awhile.
And yeah, the place is now officially the Crypt They think it's cool to call it that. But it's a morgue. I am telling you. Dead.
It is now a Trojan Town, except for those Dodgers.
Doesn’t sound like a very good Christmas present to your son. What a miserable way to spend an evening.
The Crypt is hilarious. Very appropriate.
LeBum is killing the Lakers brand.