It is unclear if he made his trip. Some reports he was there Friday to watch the rally. But no confirmation he was at the game. I heard atm’s offense didn’t look too good.
And to think, Texas AM is one of America's top military schools. God forbid if we get into a major war and America has to draft men from Millennials /Gen Y and Gen Z pool. We lose the war. These 2 generations are sorry arse softies, mama boys.
So many women are struggling to find real men (with good jobs) from these 2 generations to marry and be strong fathers for their children. So many of these men do not even work or have a job; live at their parents home. Dam at 85 yrs old, I would make a better soldier. God Bless America. Cheers.
God damn! That was some homo shit although they are known for some strange behavior
Deciding bn 2 teams w questionable hcs who didn't win any important games this year? What's his 3rd option?