1. Do you think TCU would have given Ohio State more of a game in the CFB title game than they gave Georgia? The Bulldogs barely squeaked by OSU, so there's an argument to be made that OSU is almost as good, or maybe as good. Would they have kicked the shit out of TCU in a similar fashion? Man, I'll bet that Ohio State kicker is still crying right now.
2. Do you think Alabama could have beaten Georgia? They didn't play this season. Yeah, Alabama lost a couple of games, but not by much.
I think Tenn with Hooker might have been the cream of CF.
1) Yes, but not much more of a game. Only because closing a 58 point difference should be doable.
2) no, AL does not beat GA I don't think. Maybe it's 10-14 point difference
Those are questions about TCU and Alabama not about Georgia you public school retard. Jesus.