early game of interest is Free shoes U at Clemson. espn 9 am
Colorado at Whoregon 1230 ABC
Old piss at Bama. 1230 CBS
utla at Mountain meadows masacre. 1230 fox
Now that's some olympic channel surfing , thumb is going to get a work out.
Game of the day. AND GAME DAY. The ohio state at that pederass infested dump the french whores of that cunt notre down NBC 430 pm.
Other games of regional interst is OSU WSU and SC at ETCU late.
still the best week so far.
I will take FSU. WHoregon in a prison raping, Bama. Baby killers, The ohio state. OSU and SC .
No reason to go outside tomorrow. It's practically unamerican. sc
Apparently the colorado team is inappropriately named. The name Buffalo is wrong and insensitive. They are bisons. I learned this on my trip to Wyoming
But appears the Indians have a better lobby than the buffaloes.