Put me down as someone who will go kicking and screaming into that good night before I ever buy electric....give me a GT3 RS...THAT, my friend, is badass--not this cr@p from Tesla.
Tesla Roadster was basically an electric Lotus Elise. Almost bought an Elise back before they were discontinued in the US - awesome drivers' car, but felt a bit too much like a kit car (as are most of Colin Chapman's vehicles) when I test drove one years ago. My first car was a VW kit car way back when, no reason to revisit those years...lol
Would you really want one of those montrous pieces of shit? It would cost a fortune just to fill the tank, and the monthly insurance would be like a mortgage payment. But I guess that's not an issue for the type of small-dicked bozo who would buy that vehicle.
Well, if you're fine with a South African-Canadian-Space Alien running the U.S.A. and firing everyone he can without any cause or review -- just because he can -- and creating all kinds of privacy issues in the process, then I guess it's okay.
Oh, but he's an American citizen! Shit, I forget. Then it's really okay.
When you got the truck, did you take Jennifer up to the lake?
Was Jennifer his gf in back to the future? Why did I have Mallory in my head? Anyway funny enough where I grew up people went out to millerton lake or Woodward park where they had ponds. I bet those are all locked up at night now. People do stupid stuff and when the cops find a body no one has a sense of humor or will let kids be kids anymore
LOL! I can see the confusion. Mallory was Alex Keaton's (MJ Fox) sister in Family Ties, which I never really watched. Jennifer was his girlfriend in Back to the Future, and the big deal was he wanted to go camping with her at the lake so he could fuck her, but he couldn't because his dad wrecked the car, blah blah blah. At the very end of the movie, because he's altered the future, he now has a brand new pickup. I guess that's what altering the future is good for...scoring hot wheels 🔥
My definition of "bad ass'.
Just when is a "badass" ever silent?
Put me down as someone who will go kicking and screaming into that good night before I ever buy electric....give me a GT3 RS...THAT, my friend, is badass--not this cr@p from Tesla.
Take two, they're big.
Would you really want one of those montrous pieces of shit? It would cost a fortune just to fill the tank, and the monthly insurance would be like a mortgage payment. But I guess that's not an issue for the type of small-dicked bozo who would buy that vehicle.