Not sure what's going on w usc and Riley, they are flying by the seat of their pants now. This isn't going to end well. Should have just fired Riley and given the hc job to entz.
A guy with his experience as a position coach seems like a win to me. I might have got an aneurysm if he had gotten the DC job, but as a position coach, I’m cool with it. I would have preferred any of the other names that were thrown about, Bala, Norton , Bowman.
Regarding Bala, your source was sure off on that one. There wasn't a single peep from what I gathered from UW's side. At most, it was one of many simple phone calls to potential candidates to gauge intertest.
Wasn't he the dude in the big lebowski?
Not sure what's going on w usc and Riley, they are flying by the seat of their pants now. This isn't going to end well. Should have just fired Riley and given the hc job to entz.
My reaction precisely
Chill Fraud, give the man a shot. My only request is for the guy to get a haircut, drop that belly, and don’t get any dui’s.