Same Caleb. Same head coach . Same soft players. Same predictable offense. Same confused poorly coached defense. Same special teams.
Lucky last year. Not so much this year.
Lots of hate for CLR on the board. surprising . He is who he is, and he isn't going anywhere.
SC doesn't have the money to compete with nil anyways. sc
Riley will right the ship. It might take 2-3 more seasons but he'll shut a lot
Of people up, or he'll vanish. I'll put my money on him. I think he learns from this and grows as a coach. I wouldn't say this if he hadn't done so much offensively prior. He can hire a defensive staff and a special teams coord. Caleb had a bad oline but the ND game falls on him. And that's when the wheels came off. Then no stand up leadership on or off the field... he'd be smart to come back and mature but he'll go pro, make his money and be a Sanchez part deux.
Return to mean on turnovers. The last two years USC is a .500 team talent wise. We are only 18-8 because of Rikey and Williams. Need to upgrade bith offensive and defensive lines and we will be fine.
Good call out. Way more TOers for CW and way less for the D.
Bad combo. As we witnessed
After the first game, I told all you boys, your D was weak. Not acceptable to put this on CLR, besides, you're right, he ain't goin no where!
Go Dawgs!!
schedule was easier last year. OL was much better (coached elsewhere, which I think is why Riley likes the portal over recruiting). Turnvers were huge, but a reversion to the mean was expected. Riley didn't do anything to try to cut down on them that I could tell.