So who's going to the SC-utla game? Dips into the forties?
I would do it for ten large. or maybe if I got to sit in here.
Going to be freeze your ass off cold and maybe some rain just for fun.
on second thought, Looks like a hike to the restroom. No thanks, those chairs look like pieces of shit. Getting out of there before midnight will be a bitch. not home until 130 bed by 2 ? my price is 25 K.
Home, hot new york pizza delivered , ice cold diet mountain dews, 3 hoppers within 20 yards. mute button. Get to read and laugh at colossal jewel of ignorant Sanka's brain dead takes. Na, I'm staying home. sc
You can get good “NY style”
Pizza in SoCal? I have my doubts. There’s no great pie in Cali.
I’ve ordered Brooklyn Pie (my favorite) as well as a New Haven style from “Sally’s” and had them sent to the house (frozen). Still good, but so much better hot out of the oven. Frozen pie from back east is still better than anything California has to offer. Vegas is even worse for pizza.