The shabbiness of these attendants upon shabbiness, the poverty of these insolvent Bears upon insolvency, was a sight to see. Such threadbare coats and trousers, such fusty gowns and shawls, such squashed hats and bonnets, such boots and shoes, such umbrellas and walking-sticks, never were seen in Rag Fair. All of them wore the cast-off clothes of other men and women, were made up of patches and pieces of other people’s individuality, and had no sartorial existence of their own proper. Their walk was the walk of a race apart. They had a peculiar way of doggedly slinking round the corner, as if they were eternally going to the pawnbroker’s to borrow money for their shitty football program. Wonderfully they stole well from UCLA.
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pretty good description of the leading institution for Black Bloc
Well-written capture of the Cal Essence. I would add "yellow, crooked teeth, often times with dandruff on their dark blue clothing".