Cal’s Board of Regents are scheduled to meet Tuesday. A closed session, the agenda is “UC Berkeley Pac-12 Conference Membership.” The Bears are facing over $200 million in debt from renovations to Memorial Stadium.
LA to SF? They've already spent more on the middle section than the ENTIRE project was projected to cost. Any yet, not an inch of rail has layed. The French company which was to build the line bugged out because of bureaucratic interfenence, and in the intervening time has COMPLETED a bullet train in Morocco. Moracco!
200 million is wrong--its over 455 million they have paid no principal. Its a giant fucking disaster fuckup.
Stadium debt already absorbs 20 percent of intercollegiate athletics' annual income, or roughly $18 million of its $89 million budget. And that pays only the interest.
Cal won't start paying down the principal until 2032, when its yearly payments rise to $26 million, then $37 million, before tapering off in 2051. After a brief respite, Cal will owe a lump sum of $82 million in 2053 alone. Then it will have six decades to pay off the final 17 percent, or $75 million.
What a great idea now that they have commiitted themselves to eons of debt repayments. So walk away and quit football. Maybe what. stick the debt on the student body or maybe the taxpayer? How very California public education of them.
Dude. How about the millions of dead beats and illegals that are on the taxpayers? Dropping football vs getting even $10 mil/ yr in Mtn West is a money saver.
How's that bullet Train from LA to SF going? What did that cost the taxpayers?
They can use Memorial for girls soccer. That will satisfy the Woke at UC .
LA to SF? They've already spent more on the middle section than the ENTIRE project was projected to cost. Any yet, not an inch of rail has layed. The French company which was to build the line bugged out because of bureaucratic interfenence, and in the intervening time has COMPLETED a bullet train in Morocco. Moracco!
200 million is wrong--its over 455 million they have paid no principal. Its a giant fucking disaster fuckup.
What a great idea now that they have commiitted themselves to eons of debt repayments. So walk away and quit football. Maybe what. stick the debt on the student body or maybe the taxpayer? How very California public education of them.