Good for him . milk it, and ride it till it bucks ya. Bet that pisses off a lot of people . Lmao sc
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Edited: Dec 11, 2022
Caleb is a walking billboard.
Caleb is a walking billboard.
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Yeah, that's pretty much one of the uglier suits I've seen. Didn't get the Adidas/Gucci collaboration. Should've just wore an Adidas tracksuit
Lincoln needs to watch his "6". it was this kind of success that the people that run college football determined that SC needed to be torched before SC ruined the golden goose that just keeps giving and giving. Who paid the airfare for the 10 C Oline guys that attended the Heisman? This is the chicken shit stuff like Reggie using an agent's cellphone that proof that the owner of the cellphone (an agent) had a relationship with the SC coach (McNair) that Reggie called that night.
The Heisman will generate 200 million or more in revenue for USC.
The Gucci/Adidas "Collaboration" suit was interesting. I wonder if Nike (USC's shoe deal)was happy to see Caleb wear Adidas stuff at the ceremony. In Caleb's defense....he does wear Nike football shoes when in football uniform.....
And I don’t give a hoot if he is from Washington DC or via Oklahoma either .
But he does it with class. How did you like the “Fight on,” at the end of his so speech ?