26 players out of 85. With a at least several expected to hit the portal next week.
Darwin Barlow
Anthony Beavers
De'jon Benton
Prophet Brown
Calen Bullock
Raesjon Davis
Andres Dewerk
Korey Foreman
Kyron Hudson
Michael Jackson III
Denis Lynch
Lake McRee
Andrew Milek
Jonah Monheim
Miller Moss
Mason Murphy
Kobe Pepe
Gino Quinones
Jaylin Smith
Stanley Ta'ufo'ou
Chris Thompson Jr.
Solomon Tuliaupupu
Tahj Washington
Max Williams
Jude Wolfe
Ceyair Wright
Well that explains it.....only 4-5 players I'd keep out of those guys...
I thought Tuliaupupu was a Kiffin recruit.