USC should move to #2 after the ND game. 2 pac 12 games and 2 7:30 games havent helped USC.
it's sounds all amazing and everything
until the PAC-12 Network paywall shows up
wonder how Deon feels about sharing this newfound media revenue equally with the rest of the Pac.
This list says everything about kickoff times and networks, and nothing about any team's drawing power
Lemmeno if the rankings change after Colorado has a few Pac-12 After Dark dates.
media hype and people tune in. stop the presses.
media hype stops and people stop watching. stop the presses.
do you know why bidnesses advertise? cause it works. sc
Noon Eastern on Fox network. People watch
10:30 Eastern on Pac-12 Network. People sleep
people are sheep
it's sounds all amazing and everything
until the PAC-12 Network paywall shows up
wonder how Deon feels about sharing this newfound media revenue equally with the rest of the Pac.
This list says everything about kickoff times and networks, and nothing about any team's drawing power
Lemmeno if the rankings change after Colorado has a few Pac-12 After Dark dates.