I love San Francisco. Great dinner, great pep rally tonite. Enjoying some drinks and thinking back to all the great previous trips. My 25th year in a row. Even came the Covid year when the game was canceled . Brought my kids when they were little and now they're drinking a beer with me. Looking forward to the Big 10 circuit but what a great run we had to the Bay Area. Cheers and let's end it with a win tomorrow. Tip of the hat to Tightwad Hill.
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SFO sank into a turd festival. Street crime has turned omnipresent. Homeless camps, thieves and filth replace good shopping. I went up for a dinner with some board members (for an SC related company coincidentally); when I got out of the SUV/Town Car in front of a "nice hotel", there was a drug addict peeing and shitting on the tree next to the car. A police car with an officer sat by and did nothing. One of the people at the dinner drove into the city from Marin. He thought his laptop would be "OK" in the trunk. Being foolish he locked his car. Two windows were broken in-- a second for punishment. The trunk was pried open in under an hour. People have taken to leaving cars and sometimes trunks open to avoid damage. Windows are in short suplpy their. Several hundreds windows are broken a day. Libtards ruined the place. Its detroit on the bay. Democrats destroy.
Well said BB. Glad to hear you and the fam are enjoying themselves. Hears to a great game and a Trojan win today. 🍻
Been to SF alot this last year hanging with a local. Still lots of great spots just an ever growing area to "avoid". Luckily the rental was never broken into.
Doing So Cal spellouts on foreign land is always fun.
25 in a row is almost as good of a handle as BB. 😂
Did you see anyone crap in the SF streets?
USC will end up scheduling OOC games with Stanford and Cal. It will take a couple of years, but this is my guess. And those teams could use yearly trips to LA for recruiting purposes, so I'm sure the interest in eventually renewing the rivalries with exist on their end as well.