I mostly find him to be a caricature and a stereotype of the black community. Sometimes he strings together coach speak and principles of human spirituality in creative ways. He's about to get humbled but he won't understand or learn from it.
what's freshman english got to do with being a good coach? Total red herring here.
Neon Deion with sink or swim upon his abilities and those of his coordinators like all coaches. I suggest letting it play out and see how he does. Frankly, I think he's good for the college game.
His dema goguery is another example of a black leader misleading with flashy trash. It sure would be interestingof a black leader said "keep your families intact. Study to the highest level myou an achieve. Save and invest. Avoid drugs at all costs."
I mostly find him to be a caricature and a stereotype of the black community. Sometimes he strings together coach speak and principles of human spirituality in creative ways. He's about to get humbled but he won't understand or learn from it.
His flash and black-speak appeals to some effectively.