I wanted to test the board out so I started an account called Dixie_Normus... All I said was I didn't believe Lincoln was a great defensive coach and Java and a few others had a panic attack.
What is the difference between running this board like that, where you ban somebody who didn't say one thing bad... even yahoo and facebook would not have banned my post, so.... Twitter and Facebook were paying the FBI to censor any voice that wasn't left leaning. They banned over 3000 accounts just on twitter of conservatives including the sitting president.
Seriously, if you want a USC fanboy club, change it up... Just tell people, "We are a USC fanboy club and if you say anything not 100% positive about our coach, logo, fans or players we will ban your azzz"....
I had a bet with one of the other guys on the board I could get banned for just saying Lincoln isn't Jesus Christ.
You forgot to mention the other stuff you said. Something about someone’s mom being a cheap whore etc?
to be honest I don’t even remember anything about Lincoln Riley. Probably because you made it up.
Art, is the Ben Dover handle you as well?
They make a cream for thin skin, supposedly works pretty fast.
Boo hooo. I’m art. I create 7-8 personalities and nicknames. At least. One of them went over the line. With profanity and vulgarity Which is a little hard to do here.
then I show up and whine like a b because I got caught.
boo freaking hoo