I honestly don't know. Just know SC doesn't. I do know it's about limiting injuries.
I do know that the IVY leagues don't tackle at all in any practice, ever.
I remember Pete Carroll promoted Hawk Tackling, based on rugby and Invented by trojan rocky seto. When I played football in the mid-late 70's we were taught to tackle with your face mask in front of the ball carrier , wrap and drive. The new tackling to avoid injures is to put your head to the side of the ball carrier. good video below.
The problem with this is that a variation of the "hawk tackle" leads to leg injuries to the ball carrier. Players found that they can exaggerate "Hawk roll tackle" with the "hip Drop" and now this puts the tacklers full body weight on the ball carrier's ankles.
Hip drop tackles cause 20 times more injuries than a traditional tackle. But protect the head of defensive player.
SC's big problem on defense other than the Rah Rah supported over complicated, never replicated, small speed FAILED defensive scheme with the ridiculous wrist bands , was MISSED TACKLES!
SC's practices are closed. I was hoping to see if tackling was being addressed, but there wasn't much tackling in yesterday's scripted reality show scrimmage.
So are SC's players being taught how to tackle? Do they practice it? I guess we will find out at the LSU game. sc