I can take Leinert actually think he is very good..been watching the series for a long time..still haven't recovered from the 55-24 debacle in 74.. gonna be interesting next year with Riley and Freeman
I have a lot of respect for USC too.. great rivalry...hey you took the first shot..not sure you should be criticizing Quinn when Reggie can't put a sentence together on the Fox pregame show..you sure Quinn didn't just have laughing tears listening to Reg trying to make sense? Gotta go back to the basement now I can hear my mother calling
Did you type that with one hand from your mother's basement? What a juvenile response.
Unlike a lot of posters here, I have a lot of respect for the Irish because they have a tradition. Hate em, but respect them. And I would have been happy if SC hired Kelly. That doesn't change the fact that Quinn is crying like a bitch over something that happens all the time in college football.
Your Boyz in the Hood need the tissues after having their asses handed to them four years in a row.. your butt buddy QueerClem probably has a whole boxful for you...Cry On!
Not going to argue with you on Reggie lol
I have a lot of respect for USC too.. great rivalry...hey you took the first shot..not sure you should be criticizing Quinn when Reggie can't put a sentence together on the Fox pregame show..you sure Quinn didn't just have laughing tears listening to Reg trying to make sense? Gotta go back to the basement now I can hear my mother calling
Did you type that with one hand from your mother's basement? What a juvenile response.
Unlike a lot of posters here, I have a lot of respect for the Irish because they have a tradition. Hate em, but respect them. And I would have been happy if SC hired Kelly. That doesn't change the fact that Quinn is crying like a bitch over something that happens all the time in college football.
Your Boyz in the Hood need the tissues after having their asses handed to them four years in a row.. your butt buddy QueerClem probably has a whole boxful for you...Cry On!