This is not so “subtle” effort to put pressure on a team to draft Fields or Lance.
Max Kellermen, Stephen A and other paid shills are more than happy to carry this message. Gotta keep the gig. They should take a look at Oscar ratings for this year.
comments are Golden. Jamarcus Russell Kyler Murray Michael Vick??
Rosen was asked to comment on league‘s racism and his white privilege. :)
Tee Martin was drafted ahead of Tom Brady.
Aaron Rodgers was famous for dropping in the draft.

Fortunately, NFL GM's could give a f**k what Stephen A or Max Kellerman think.
Is anyone suprised that who the teams draft is now politicized?
It was ok when it looked like the quarterback order would be Lawrence, Fields, Lance, Wilson and Jones. They when Wilson moved to No 2 the racists sharting whining. Then when Joes moved to No 3 all hell broke lose. I knew it would get to the point of the jock sniffing faggot commentators suggesting that San Francisco would revolt if they didn't take the black guy and that happened on Monday. I knew it would get to the point that those same fags would claim SF's fans would revolt if SF didn't take the black guy and that heppened yesterday.
What happened to the need for diversity?
Could have been have watched the Academy Awards.
The answer is simple: Math is racist, so to compare numbers is racist, and, therefore, the assertion that black players are discriminated against still stands up. Check your abacus!
Reading that the 4 largest contracts (Per season Maybe) for an NFL QB in history are with Black QBs. And this is current day. Race baiters gotta hustle.....
In the name of equal opportunity, just ban white guys from the NFL.