I thought it was so sweet that Clementard relayed a note from his penpal Augie. I have also been in touch with one of the former posters, The Colt. Relaying of notes is so cute. It's like 6th grade girls. So, anyways, The Colt sent me this to pass along.....
Hi guys of the WW. I miss you. I'm sure you also miss my brilliant takes and pictures of my dog. You all loved my old girlfriend so much. Here's my new one. I love her. Take care. I hope we beat the Buffs!

nicely done. funny take.
LOL!! Classic!!
You guys don't remember TheColt? UW fan who once posted a pic of his house on the water near Seattle and a pic of his GF (in a bakery or restaurant IIRC). This is probably, what, back in 2006 or so?
I personally didn't think she was THAT hideous, but the brainacs of the WW weren't so impressed and roasted him mercilessly as you guys sometimes (often!) do.
Never saw much of him after that....
Great memories of the WW!!! 😂
hahahahahahha. well played
Who was the Colt? I assumed he stomped off and got mad?
Is that a screenshot from your Ring Doorbell?