Coaches. Staff. The program. The plan
Huge loss for those who do nothing but criticize and complain. Go to other schools and then pretend to have a stake in USC football. Refer to coach as “162” or a W2 employee Ski on etc tranny nation
10-1 baby. Wow what a year. Are they this good? Maybe not but you are what the scoreboard says you are.
so Rah Rahs? USC athletic supporters? Lol. This is our day. And our season. All hail to the power of faith belief and loyalty
It was a great win for ALL Trojan fans.
and the Grinch and his defense still suck.
why anyone doesn't want or like another human being to be happy about the same thing is just sad. sc
Our day indeed. Tampons will have to continue waiting for their day to prove “they were right about 162” And “starving Ethiopians” Ski on bitches. Two more big games and optimism reigns in Troy. We are two wins away from a playoff berth. We will have a representative at the Heisman ceremony. Good Times for us and it’s great to watch the Fake Trojans pretend to celebrate.