Way too much is known now about what really kills people.
If you are like sitaloneSanka and your mommy didn't love you and fed you processed foods and still eat fast foods, it's not too late to make you healthy. Avoid all fast , processed and frozen food, ie the middle isles of the grocery store. If you must, trader joes has the healthiest bad for you food. Never eat anything with seed oils.
But anyways I was down in San Diego this morning picking up a new bike and was thirsty driving back and drove into a mcdonalds off the 5 to get a diet coke. It's the only thing I get there, and it's worth it because it's super carbonated.
What does the woman hand me? A FREAKING PAPER STRAW! I said, Uh no, I want a real straw. She said we no longer have those. So I said, then I want my money back. She told me that I already paid for it. I said, I know I gave the mexican at the first window exact change. Why do they need two windows. give me my money back. She asked me to pull forward and wait in some spot. I said , NO , either give me my soda with a real straw or I'm not moving or my money back . I put on my whole over 60 crumpy old man face and put on the parking break. So joe yupper self declared manager (who ICE may be also interested in) came over and asked me again to move my car. I told him to f off and I want either a plastic straw or my money back. The President just said I could have one. I PAID for it. I want one, or give me my money back. NOW! Well, what do you know. He found me a REAL McDonalds plastic straw. So they still have them.
Stand up for your rights as an American. Paper straws suck. sc
I eat McDonald’s about two times a year. I eat slowly in order to get maximum enjoyment with every bite. McDonalds is also the only place I’ll drink a coke (no diet)…. Yes, the Coke at McDonalds is the best. Supposedly they have an exclusive deal with coca cola. Apparently CC sells their product to them in some sort of metal container (aluminum if I remember correctly), which doesn’t F with the carbonation. Haven’t had a coke out of a bottle or can in years, but I think the McDonald’s coke is at least as good as the product sold at the grocery stores.