Take a look at this pic. Think of some of the discussions here where I was told I’m just making things up. I’m jealous. This pool is about to fall down the cliff. House condemned. Obviously the rains did quite a number. Anyone wanna guess which town this is? Hint: it is NOT Dana point

The guy this post is about constantly acted like a 6th grade girl on this Board. Insecure, hypersensitive, whiney....like a little bitch.
Listen Java, I appreciate you but don't be a 6th grade girl too.
Even before the hill started to crumble, that would have been a horrible place to live. 3/4 of that house gets absolutely no sunlight because it's sandwiched by that shitass apartment building and that other horriblelooking house.
New meaning to the term "infinity pool"
This can be solved. Just fill the hole with a giant Dr. ego and then cover it with dirt.