How is it that I knew this and you didn’t?
USC is Money. It is our reason d’etra.
Football is what put USC on the map and the glue that binds all Trojans.
In case you didn’t know, fundraising is in the toilet, just like the football program. Like it always does. NIL has been a mess under her watch.
Folt went all in on woke and most recently pissed off the Jewish alumni with her terrorist support. Oops
Remember she blocked expanding the pac 12. Hired Bohn who saddled sc with a ten year contract with a finesse quarterback coach loser saddled with social anxiety, and an inability to manage a clock. What could go wrong?
Who will be the next president? Who knows . All I know is it won’t be another DEI hire that doesn’t get the importance of winning football at usc. All I do know for sure is that I will know more about it before you do.
Ps . Remember Urban wanted the job, and she blocked that because of some assistant coach issue at a prior job. He still wants it. sc
I think k it was the Jew thing not football. If USC can raise cash and build buildings, they don’t care about football football is just useful to stage picnics and tailgaters to raise money for more buildings.
The Jew hate was shocking. And when they went to interview her on the way to her car, she looked absolutely like she had PTSD no answers no clue white faced. She looked like a scared old lady. I posted at the time the names of some of the well-known Jewish names on the USC campus. And could not believe that she was so tone deaf, considering the USC influence and Hollywood and the preponderance of Jewish influence in Hollywood.