It seems everything else in America is fixed, so why not college football.
Fans of every team like to thing they have an actual shot of winning a Natty.
But do they?
Baseball seems to be fixed. But every once in a while a small market teams makes it to the world series.
Every once in a while sure. But 4 out of 5 years it seems to be the same big market teams. Doesn't it.
Pro football seems to be the least fixed in that they are reset by the draft. the team that finishes last gets the best player every year in each round.
Did you know that Peter Strzok wasn't really a REAL FBI agent. Bet you didn't. He NEVER even applied for a job at the FBI. He never graduated for the FBI academy in Quantico, Virgina. There is no documentation that he has ever been there. Any ideas why he didn't have to do the 20 week program that EVERY SINGLE OTHER FBI "special' AGENT has to go through? He actually has been collecting a paycheck from the CIA since he was pulled out of Army Intelligence and placed in the white-house when Clinton was molesting interns . Didn't know that, did you. The guy that authorized and RAN the SPYING on an American citizen is FORBIDDEN by LAW from spying on ANY American citizen. When he was FIRED from the FBI , he just kept on working and is still working for the CIA.

So what isn't fixed? Do you really think Chris Cuomo got into Yale Law school on merit? Really? Do you believe in the easter bunny too. Cause the America hating BEAST Mooooooocheellle Obama was Princeton material too. Uh Huh.
How does this affect college football? My guess is the teams that make the playoffs will the be teams that draw the most TV viewers. Cause that's where the money is. Let me know when something else happens. sc
Great post.