She says so. Dems say believe all women, except Jennifer Flowers, and except they can’t define “women.” I digress
Kamala’s autobiography includes photos of Kamala with her black grandmother. Proof? Nope. Her granny croaked before Kamala was born. She also lists family names that don’t appear in any genological or marriage records. Just the white side that married “the blacks” camela says she’s descended from.
Shes black and I’m a chinese. I guess we can all make up ridiculous shit now.
I do not care if she is black or not...she is stupid and mean, and a communist....that I do care about
Is Kamala part turkey? or did Kamala get her turkey neck stretched out
from all that deck she swallowed? sc
She certainly seems tan but giggly. Most black chicks seem angrier. Kamala seems easily amused.
Depends on the crowd….
You are what you eat, so I guess she is.
as Long Beach Griffy (youtube him) would say, she's "trans-racial."
the big question is of what country is she a citizen?
she was born in CA to a Jamaican father and Indian mother
she was raised from 1976 to 1982, or the age of majority in Canada
under the conventions of Jus Sangre, she is a citizen of Jamaica,
just like McCain was as citizen of the US and not Panama, despite being born in Panama
Under the conventions of Jus Soli: Elk v. Wilkins, 112 U.S. 94 (1884), ruled that for the purposes of determining US Citizenship, the 14th Amendment phrase 'subject to its jurisdiction' excluded from its operation 'children of ministers, consuls, and citizens of foreign states born within the United States.
If Kamala is claiming US citizenship, when did she naturalize?
you tell me