Does that mean we will have another 9/11 incident later n 2024? Seems like the way things age world unrest....anything can happen.
Now let's see if they can finish the job. Can Oregon win its FIRST ever national championship and can Washington wins its second. USC can finish let's see if the Huskies or Ducks can finish.
We duckies are trying to win one, that's for sure....might not be successful again. But at least we are in it. And fun to be living during the heyday of the quack.
Man, if I and the internet were around for those miserable duck football teams of the '40s, '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s, it would be You'd probably see as many ducks on this site as you do Cal Bears these days....
Thanks, troystory Hoping to make the playoffs, but Oregon has been snakebit in the past....many times over. So not too confident just yet. OSU's defense is for real. And Penix is a handful.
Does that mean we will have another 9/11 incident later n 2024? Seems like the way things age world unrest....anything can happen.
Now let's see if they can finish the job. Can Oregon win its FIRST ever national championship and can Washington wins its second. USC can finish let's see if the Huskies or Ducks can finish.
wild post. USCs comeback was something else tho no?
Why did the other NW schools besides Oregon fall apart?
Hope this year ends differently than 00. We lost the tie breaker that year because we couldn't tackle in Madison.
UW Rose
OSU Fiesta
UO Holday.
All wins though for the PAC.
Great team play. Great coaching. Very physical and tough. We're qll jealous even if the 208 rahrahs won't admit it.
Congrats LA on having the best team in the conference. Yes, I am predicting an Oregon win in Vegas. Though beating OSU is certainly no guarantee.
...and SC in need of a complete tear-down, at least on defense.
The bright side of the analogy is that by mid-2002, SC was back on top.