Yeah, I must be silly. it was an email, not a call. But yeah, guess 10K is chump change to USC. Weird thing is, they sell the heck out of C & G memberships which are or were about $2500 a year.
Yeah, 10K is a lot. I realize I make and lose 10X or even up to 30X that amount in a day, but that's all on paper. Actual cash? Silly me. Of course, that's 10K more than you have EVER donated to USC. And that was just 10K this time, there have been others. Lifetime C and G costs a little bit.
As I said, guess I'll just keep it. Maybe I'll buy the lot next to you and turn it into a helicopter landing pad. Or a poop park for my next dog.
No clue what you're talking about with the truck. That makes two of us
Unless a big donor was waiting for her to leave I doubt there’s a connection
Obviously bigger money than me. They didn’t want my $10,000