Waldorf is hoping Jarmond takes a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.
Come on, are you serious? I mean, really serious, or are you just making this shit up?
What else does Jar Jar need to see in order to determine whether or not Fatty can coach? Does he honestly think a win in one of the most insignificant among insignificant bowl games is really going to prove anything?
That was the thought after it seemed like Chip was still safe. Too much pressure forced Jarmond to act. The Arizona beat writer just reported that he's hearing Chip is out from other writers. Arizona is worried. An insider also said it's done. Not BRO.
Waldorf is hoping Jarmond takes a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut.
Come on, are you serious? I mean, really serious, or are you just making this shit up?
What else does Jar Jar need to see in order to determine whether or not Fatty can coach? Does he honestly think a win in one of the most insignificant among insignificant bowl games is really going to prove anything?
According to Bruin sources, Chip was fired last Sunday.